About Me

Hello! I'm Nikola Matić, a self-taught web developer hailing from Serbia. Born in 1996, I embarked on my coding journey at the age of 12, and now, at age of 28, I'm fueled by my passion for crafting digital experiences and pushing the boundaries of technology.

With over 16 years of coding under my belt, I've explored a diverse array of technologies, constantly striving to stay at the forefront of the ever-evolving web development landscape. My journey has taken me from tinkering with HTML and CSS to mastering JavaScript, TypeScript, and frameworks like React. I've ventured into backend development with tools like Express, and even delved into the exciting world of game and app development with C#.

While my journey hasn't followed the traditional path, my commitment to self-improvement and learning has been my guiding force. Every project I undertake, every line of code I write, is a testament to my dedication and enthusiasm for the craft. My portfolio is a living embodiment of my determination to grow, evolve, and contribute to the tech community.

When I'm not immersed in code, you'll find me experimenting with creative coding, or collaborating with fellow developers on open-source projects. I'm a firm believer in the power of collaboration and the impact technology can have on shaping the future.

As a futurist at heart, I'm captivated by the potential of emerging technologies like AI, AR/VR, and more. I'm excited to be part of a generation that's redefining how we interact with the digital world and create meaningful user experiences.

I invite you to join me on this journey of continuous learning and innovation. Let's connect, collaborate, and bring our visions to life through the magic of code.

Feel free to explore my GitHub profile to witness my coding journey and projects that reflect my passion and dedication or connect with me to discuss future collaborations and innovations.

Looking forward to making an impact together!